I am a sworn translator of English, entered on the list of sworn translators kept by the Minister of Justice under the number TP/163/13, a philologist, lawyer and translator with over fifteen years of experience. My translation agency has operated for four years, offering both certified and ordinary translation as well as interpretation. Despite my long experience of work with legal texts, I do not wish to confine myself to that area. Diversity is always welcome: from medical documentation to literary fiction.
I can pride myself on very strong theoretical background in legal translation. This was the subject of my first PhD dissertation at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Silesia in Katowice. Recently, as an affiliate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the same University, I prepared an extensive report on Polish, Czech and Slovak tenancy law and housing policies for the European Commission.
In February 2014, I defended my second doctorate, this time in law. The thesis was devoted to construction of contracts in a comparative perspective. I have gained the knowledge on commercial contracts and their interpretation not only from academic literature but also from everyday translation practice. My experience shows that successful communication with a foreign transactor can only be achieved through highest quality translation and interpretation. Such are the services offered by my agency. I am fully convinced that translation of legal opinions, agreements, notarial deeds, judicial documents and pleadings should be done only by experienced translators, preferably with a university degree in law.
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